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Contemporary Philosophical Issues课程介绍

点击次数:  更新时间:2018-01-22

【编者按】为进一步提升研究生科研能力与论文写作水平,学院拟于2018年春季学期面向全院硕士生、博士生开设一门新的选修课——“当代世界哲学前沿问题研究”(Contemporary Philosophical IssuesGraduate Students Independent Studies Seminar)。该课程由学院Bradley Monton, Thomas Besch, Matt Lutz,吴根友,李佃来等多位教授主讲,旨在指导研究生完成高质量的英文论文,力争在国际期刊上发表。欢迎学院研究生选修该课程。(交流咨询QQ群:687514267)

Contemporary Philosophical Issues

Graduate Students Independent Studies Seminar

Professors: Matthew Lutz, Bradley Monton, Thomas M. Besch,Dianlai Li, Genyou Wu

Professors offering supervision: M. Lutz, B. Monton, T. M. Besch

Matthew Lutz: Matt Lutz received his PhD in philosophy from the University of Southern California in 2015. He works on metaethics and epistemology, and his work has appeared in venues includingPhilosophical Studies,Synthese,Erkenntnis, and theStanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Bradley Monton: Bradley Monton received his PhD from Princeton University in 1999. He specializes in philosophy of science, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, decision theory, and he is especially interested in the intersections between these areas.

Thomas M. Besch: Thomas M. Besch received his PhD from The University of Oxford in 2005. Before he came to Wuhan, he taught political philosophy at The University of Sydney. His main area of research is political philosophy, recently with a focus on ideas of public justification, public reason, discursive respect, and theories of justice.



Student tasks:

Supervision: Students must pick, and register with, their supervising professor by week 7 (either M. Lutz, or B. Monton, or T. M. Besch).

Tutorials: Tutorials start once a supervising professor has been assigned. Tutorials start not later than week 7. Tutorial schedules/locations/formats are set by the supervising professor.

Assignments: Students write one research essay. Essay topics are selected in concert with supervising professors. Essay length is set by the supervising professor. The submission date is June 29thor as decided by the supervising professor.

Schedule (preliminary):

Week 1, March 2nd

Introduction: logistics/orientation/expectations

Week 2, March 9th

Matt Lutz: The Benacerraf Challenge in the philosophy of mathematics, evolutionary debunking arguments in moral epistemology, and the relationship between the two.

Week 3, March 16th

Bradley Monton: Decision theory–how to formulate a deviant decision theory that doesn't involve maximizing expected utility.

Week 4, March 23rd

No lecture[Analytic Ethics Conference]

Week 5, March 30th

Thomas M. Besch: Deidealizing public justification: reasons, respect, and discursive inequality (working title)

Week 6, April 6th

Dianlai Li:1.当代英美政治哲学前沿问题;2.当代中国政治哲学研究的的理论问题与开展方向

Week 7, April 13th

Genyou Wu:1、当代中国哲学几种新的形上学理论;2、当代中国哲学创新的其他维度及其反思

Week 7–12

Tutorials.(Schedules/location to be determined by supervising professor)

Week 12,May 18th

Essay submission(unless otherwise set by supervising professor).


·All essay topics and submission dates are set by, or cleared with, supervising professors.

·Supervising professors fully look after their own students in all course matters, e.g., they schedule tutorial times and locations, collect and mark their students’ work etc. Once student work has been submitted and marked/graded, marks are communicated to the course coordinator (ccThomas Besch’sTA, Janus (ZHANG Jian) [cc-d to this email: janus37@126.com]).

·If applicable, supervising professors provide electronic copies of reading materials for their topics/lectures (all electronic copies of these materials go on QQ. QQ group #: 687514267).

·Supervising professors record the names and Student IDs of all of their supervisees and communicate these to the course coordinator for book keeping. Supervising professors should avoid stray students–i.e., students they supervise but have not registered as their students.

·Supervising professors collect electronic copies of submitted student work and if needed (see “possibility” below) forward them to course coordinator.

·If any technical question arises (e.g., student access to QQ, problems with online content, etc.), contact Janus.